
Showing posts from April 25, 2010

Fragmented Memoirz

Ma, Take me back to your nest. Few Days back I wrote a poem, “Ma, sing a lullaby to me, take me back to your nest.” ( We, Assamese call mother Ma and father Deuta. My mothers’ house is near a rail station where a few Bengali families live. It is disintegrated now. She hails from a middle class family, and my father hails from a lower middle class family. The Bengali families had a good relation with our mother’s family, even they did visit our house, and they liked our mother very much. Bela Mama is good friend to us. May be due to their influence we said our father (he is no more) Baba. Our friends did tease us, why being an Assamese we say Baba instead of Deuta. My parents lived in Mumbai for 13 years. Our eldest sister was born in Mumbai, she first says Baba and so we all the siblings say Baba. When I ask my mother why you taught us to say Baba, she said you all yourselves naturally say Baba, Baba is Baba, no need to worry. Baba being served in Indian Navy sailed to several countrie...

The First Lady of Assamese Cinema

Aideo Handique play the role of Ahom princess Joymati in the first Assamese film “Joymati’’ (1935) directed by Rupkonwar Jyotiprasad Agarwalla. She was ostracized by the villagers as she addressed her hero as Bongohordeo or ‘dear husband’. She remained a spinster all her life and she leads a lonely life till her death. Image Courtesy: